Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Meet my gang

Hello! Today im gonna show you what my CP gang looks like. Here is Simpson 16.
Here is the famous Kara15379. (Her membership expired.)

Here is my sister Hannahdraw. She likes to dress up cool.
And last but not least, Buddey98888. He is a weird guy.

Well, see ya!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Here is the Backstage for the Club Penguin's Play Awards Party.
The free item is the Grammy award. Here is what I look like at the Club Penguin Play Awards.

Here is the main part of the Club Penguin Play Award Party, the main Stage.

See ya!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Stuff

Hi! Here is most of the new stuff that is out. To get the Shamrock Hat, go to the Coffee Shop.

Here is a picture of the Member Room. To get the Free item, go to the bottom left of the room.

Here is a picture of the very cool Forest.

And last but not least, here is what I look like at the St. Patricks Day Party.

Well, that is all for now!
see ya!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My looks

Hey! If you were ever wondering how I look, here is how I look! Here is my most common look.
Here is a least common look for me, I wear it about once a week
During partys, I wear whatever the theme is! So, yhea! That is all for now!
See ya!

Friday, March 6, 2009


New stuff!

Hey! White Puffles came out today! They're awsome! Here is a picture of my puffle and I.
To get a White Puffle, go to the Pet Shop and Click on the Puffle magizine. If you are a member and you have enough coins, you can get a White Puffle!
So yhea! White Puffles are cool. They do stuff with ice. That is what they do. They don't cook like we said on the poll. Well, see ya!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hey guys! Today a newspaper came out. Here is the new events.

A cool thing is that Club Penguin is they will be having a grammy award thing for members for all the plays they made.
White Puffles are avable on Friday.

Well, See ya!